Saturday, November 5, 2011

Things That Go Splat In The Night

For years, people have looked to the stars and dreamed. Gazing heavenward into the vast void of space they wonder what lies beyond the furthest point and the myriad of possibilities that may defy their imagination. Some wish upon a star or the silvery wisp of a shooting star streaking against the blackness of the sky. Some ogle at the moon and delight in seeing its countenance shine down upon them. Others dream to fly, releasing themselves from the gravity of their Earthly existence.

The whining shrill of a mosquito is heard as it gingerly touches down on a forehead. It perches precariously on the precipice of its mortality ... as an ominous hand quickly bears down on it. The resulting 'splat' is lost in the thud of a karmic disturbance, sending shockwaves through flesh and bone.

On November 8th of this year, the Near-Earth asteroid 2005 YU55 will pass within 0.85 lunar distances from the Earth. It threatens to do the same... What a tease!

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